Saturday, March 26, 2016

ISIS - Is it really Islamic state or Crusade, Zionist one?

In this article, I will compare well-known historical events that have happened in the Middle East to reflect on the current ISIS crisis. I mainly target Muslim youth who have been exposed to Wahhabi and ISIS propaganda. Such propaganda, like the examples of Zionism and the Crusaders, distorts religious texts to justify and promote the idea that it is a "religious duty" to support their political cause.
ISIS mainly misquotes the concept of fighting in Islam. Fighting is allowed only in very narrow circumstances of self-defense and ending oppression or persecution, but definitely not to gain political power as is the case with Wahhabi Muslims. Even in circumstances where fighting is sanctioned, very strict rules should be followed to the extent of prohibiting cutting trees!. With their declared wicked goal to build an apartheid Sunni state they follow no one but the Crusaders and Zionists who, like ISIS, misquote religious texts from Judaism and Christianity to build the promised kingdom of God in Levant by killing and expelling locals.

Let us compare actions following the conquests of Jerusalem by Muslims, crusaders, and Zionists to see who of them was the example to ISIS when they conquered Sinjar.
The conquest  of Jerusalem by Omar bin Alkhattab:

In the 7th century, Levant was mainly inhabited by Arabs (Ghassanids, Banu Judham and other tribes) who had been allies of the Romans since the 2nd century, and of course the Romans and Jews. After the Byzantines were defeated in the Yarmuk battle in a campaign launched by Abu Baker to end Ghassanids and Banu Judham's continuous attacks on Arab tribes who ended their loyalty to the Byzantines and joined Islam, the Muslim army started to surrender the city of Jerusalem. The Patriarch of Jerusalem Sophronius agreed to surrender on condition that he submit only to the Caliph in person. So in 637, Caliph Umar traveled to Jerusalem in person to receive the surrender of the city. Umar's first action was to announce his assurance to the people of E'lia (Jerusalem) of their safety, property and churches, and ensure the freedom of worship for all, including Jews, which ended 500 years of oppressive Byzantine rule, during which Jews were not allowed to live and worship inside Jerusalem.
The conquest of Jerusalem by Crusaders :  
After a 40 day siege in 1099, the Crusaders entered Jerusalem and committed a massacre, killing at least 30,000 Muslims and Jews (according to the records of the Crusaders), and burned all of the synagogues, including one that was used as a shelter with local Jews inside.
The conquest of Jerusalem by Saladin:
After a 12 day siege, Saladin entered the city. The native Christians were allowed to remain in the city while those of Crusader origin were allowed to leave Jerusalem with their goods through a safe passage via Akko by paying a ransom of 10 dinars each for men, 5 for women and two for children. He also summoned the Jews and permitted them to resettle in the city. In particular, the residents of Ashkelon, a large Jewish settlement, responded to his request
The conquest of Jerusalem by Zionists:
In 1948, the Zionists declared a Jewish state in Levant after the mass destruction and expelling of local Muslims and Christians. 400+ villages were depopulated including entirely Christian villages like Iqrit. Only 2 days after the conquest of Jerusalem in 1967, the Zionists completely depopulated and demolished the Moroccan Quarter; more than 135 buildings, including 2 belonging to Christian families, an 800 year old mosque and a school built by the son of Saladin were razed.
The conquest of Sinjar by ISIS
Consider the recent conquest of Sinjar, Iraq, by ISIS in August 2014. ISIS slaughtered and expelled the Yazidi people of Sinjar, who had been enjoying safety there since the Umar’s Assurance, which had expanded to encompass Levant and Iraq, from their cities! Historical places, churches and old mosques that had been protected by all Muslims for centuries for generations were also destroyed. It is absurd to argue that ISIS understands Islam better than these generations of Muslims, especially the Caliph Umar. Furthermore, it is ridiculous to accept that the distorted interpretation of the Quran of ISIS. It is preposterous that ISIS could possibly understand Islamic teachings better than Umar, the closest companion of the Prophet. .
The Wahhabi Entry of Mecca Vs. The Prophet Entry

Let us compare the conquest of Mecca by the Prophet to the conquest by Wahhabi in the last century.

The conquest of Mecca by the Prophet Muhammad:
In 629, after the Banu Bakr tribe attacked the Khuza'ah tribe in an act that broke the treaty of Hudaybiyyah, which had been signed a year before by Muhammad and Quraysh to give Arab tribes the option of joining either of the parties, Muslims or Quraish, without the fear of facing aggression. The Khuza'ah tribe had not accepted Islam by that time but they chose to ally with Muhammad; they called for his help after 20 men were killed in an attack by Banu Bakr which was a Quraysh ally. The Prophet called for all Muslim and non-Muslim allies to start moving to Mecca. Quraysh chose to surrender without conditions after they saw the troops approach. Before entering Mecca, the Prophet declared that whoever entered the Ka’aba or stayed in his house would be safe. As a result, that entry was bloodless and peaceful. Then the Prophet visited his old house which he had been forced to leave 9 years before. He gathered the people of Mecca, the same people who had persecuted him and his followers until they had left Mecca 9 years before, and asked them "O Quraish, what do you think of the treatment that I should accord you?"
And the Quraish answered: "You’re a noble man, a son of a noble man"
And Muhamed's declaration was:
"I speak to you in the same words as Joseph (son of Jacob) spoke to his brothers. This day there is no reproof against you; Go your way, for you are free."

Even though that day is considered to be the greatest day of victory and is referred in the Quran as "the day of conspicuous victory" in chapter 48, the Prophet entered Mecca in a very modest and humble way without any pride of victory. Historians say that his head was at the level of his horse ears out of humbling himself to God. What he did for Mecca's people was a reflection of the verse: (41:34-36) Repel evil with good, and the person who was your enemy becomes like an intimate friend. Eventually Mecca's people who were the greatest enemies of Muslims became the greatest leaders of Islam.
The conquest of Mecca and Hijaz by the Wahhabi:
The Wahhabi army of Abdulaziz ibn Saud invaded Mecca in 1924 with the support of Great Britain to take over Arabia. They, in the name of “purifying” Islam, killed scores of Sunni scholars and burned well-known Sunni books that rejected their ideology. Through violence and intimidation the Wahhabis managed to destroy all other Islamic schools of thought in the occupied city. After they occupied Medina, mausoleums and domes at Al-Baqi, which is a burial site for the remains of many of the members of Muhammad’s family adjacent to the Prophet's Mosque, were razed. In the name of preventing Shirk and purifying Islam, they completely destroyed many mosques and historical religious sites including the house and mosque of Fatima (the Prophet's daughter). The house of Khadijah, Muhammad’s first wife was also covered and later destroyed. They even planned to move the Prophet's grave to a secret place but stopped after a threat from Turkey and Egypt that they would wage war against them if they touched the Prophet's grave. Until today, Saudi scholars who have adopted Wahhabi ideology still preach against many inherent Islamic practices like Zikr, Sufisim, Mawlid and others Sunni rituals. All of these rituals became completely prohibited in Saudi Arabia. And the irony is that Saudi Arabia is considered to be the representative of Sunni Islam in the eyes of many Muslims and non-Muslims even though the Wahhabi is the real true enemy of Sunnis.

Consider the example of the Crusaders and Zionists, who brainwashed the followers of two peaceful monotheistic religions, distorted the words of God to achieve political power and build the "Kingdom of God" in the Levant. Wahhabi did the same for Muslims. Due a high extent to Saudis’ massive power (by controlling the holiest mosque in Mecca) and wealth which gives them undisputed control over Islamic media and organizations, many Muslims don’t understand the difference between Wahhabis and Sunnis, and easily find themselves in the Wahhabi trap of adopting the so-called Salafi ideology, thinking that it is the true Islam.  

Without even discussing Quran verses used by Wahhabis to back their actions as Islamic, we can conclude that their claims and interpretations are completely misleading. Otherwise it would mean that Wahhabis not only understand the words of God better than Saladin, who they consider astray because he followed the Sufi Muslim school, but even better than Umar and the Prophet himself! This makes no sense because surely Muhammad and his close companions who learned from him would have the best understanding of God’s words; their interpretation of the Quran is the authentic one, not the distorted version of ISIS.

The Quran makes it clear that the fight is the exception and we should accept peace if the other side offers it even when in control or about to achieve victory and even if we think it is a deceit or trick:

8:61. if they incline towards peace, then incline towards it, and put your trust in God. He is the Hearer, the Knower. 8:62. If they intend to deceive you-God is sufficient for you. It is He who supported you with His aid, and with the believers.

That is God’s teaching and that was the example of the Prophet. In another verse God states: 33:21 You have an excellent example in the Messenger of God; for anyone who seeks God and the Last Day, and remembers God frequently.  

But ISIS does not take the example of the Messenger at all but takes the example of Wahhabi. It becomes necessary that the media starts refer to their “state” as WSIL, the Wahhabi state. Otherwise the media will contribute to their propaganda to brainwash and recruit more uneducated Muslims youth to their service.

Recommended Reading

ISIS — the New Israel, The same tactics to build ethnically pure state  

Siege of Jerusalem
Tracing all the remains of Muslim-Christians villages destroyed by Israel:  

Commonly Misunderstood Quran Verses Dr. Jamal Badawi:  

Wahhabism to ISIS: how Saudi Arabia exported the main source of global terrorism:   
You Can't Understand ISIS If You Don't Know the History of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia:   
The True Origins Of Wahhabism  
The Birth of AI-Wahabi Movement And it's Historic Roots:  
Shaykh Hisham Kabbani alerts of Wahhbism and Bin Laden 3 years before 9.11.2001  

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Killing In The Name of “Defending” The Prophet

I choose to write this article after I saw a propaganda videos of ISIS using Charlie Hebdo attacks to portray themselves as heroes who defended the Prophet. The video was full of misleading information and aimed mainly to recruit more Muslims youth to their satanic ideology. 

uneducated Muslims fall for this trap that they are the “real” heroes who don’t accept insults and yet few of them choose to join ISIS service, but are Muslims really required to take revenge in such way?

Mocking the Prophet is not something new, even Qurish has mocked him and this is mentioned in the Quran: 51:52. Likewise, no messenger came to those before them, but they said, "A sorcerer or a madman." 53. Did they recommend it to one another? In fact, they are rebellious people.54. So turn away from them; you are not to blame. 55. And remind, for the reminder benefits the believers.
God asks the Prophet to not respond and to continue conveying the message.
The same concept is repeated again and again to whoever ridicules or insults God.  
In the story of Penhas Bin Azora, a Jewish man who lived in Madina told
Abu bakr (Who later became the 1st Caliph) that God was poor and they were richer. He said that after he hears the verse equate giving charity to a loan for God: 2:254 Who is he who will offer God a generous loan, so He will multiply it for him manifold? God receives and amplifies, and to Him you will be returned.
After Abu Bakr heard that, he slapped him hard on the face. Penhas went to the Prophet and complained about Abu Bakr. According to the Charter of Medina drafted by the Prophet in 622 CE, violence among Madina communities including 8 Jewish tribes was prohibited and freedom of religious beliefs was assured for all citizens. When the Prophet faced Abu Bakr with Penhas he denied that he mocked God. This story is referred in Quran in verses:

3:181 God has heard the statement of those who said, "God is poor, and we are rich." We will write down what they said, and their wrongful killing of the prophets; and We will say, "Taste the torment of the burning." 

The verse confirms the version of Abu Bakr that Penhas did say that but also assure that the punishment will be on God in the hereafter. And then God assures in the next verse 3:186 Muslims that they will hear a lot of these kinds of abuses, but they should consider it as a trial from God and persevere, not to become “violent” in response but to continue leading a righteous life. God asks Muslims to hold on with all efforts, yes it's hard to
persevere against mocking especially if you are in power like the case in Medina but as it a command from God, it is a must:

3:186 You will be tried and tested in your wealth and properties and in your persons; and you will hear from those who received the Scripture before you, and from the idol worshipers, much abuse. But if you persevere patiently and lead a righteous life-that indeed is a mark of great determination. [which you must hold on with all your efforts].
Muslims are even prohibited from insulting other “Gods”, even the the idols that Qurish worship lest they, out of ignorance, insult Allah as He is their enemy while He wants to purify and guide them.This mentioned in verse 6:108:
6:107. Had Allah willed, they would not have practiced idolatry. We did not appoint you as a guardian over them, and you are not a manager over them.108. Do not insult those they call upon besides Allah, lest they insult Allah out of hostility and ignorance. We made attractive to every community their deeds. Then to their Lord is their return, and He will inform them of what they used to do.

That you may know one another.

49:11. O you who believe! No people shall ridicule other people, for they may be better than they. Nor shall any women ridicule other women, for they may be better than they. Nor shall you slander one another, nor shall you insult one another with names. Evil is the return to wickedness after having attained faith. Whoever does not repent-these are the wrongdoers. 12. O you who believe! Avoid most suspicion-some suspicion is sinful. And do not spy on one another, nor backbite one another. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would detest it. So remain mindful of God. God is Most Relenting, Most Merciful. 13. O people! We created you from a male and a female, and made you races and tribes, that you may know one another. The best among you in the sight of God is the most righteous. God is All-Knowing, Well-Experienced.

This is the point of being different, to communicate and co-operate to know each other as all these labels whether they are Race, Color, Gender or Faith are not sources of supremacy. And fighting in the name of this label is simply the Satan's plan, who wants, out of envy of Adam, to increase enmity between mankind. The only legal Islamic response for insults and mocking and is clearly stated in the Quran, to continue leading a righteous life.

Further Reading:

You Can't Understand ISIS If You Don't Know the History of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia:   
The True Origins Of Wahhabism  
The Crisis of ISIS: A Prophetic Prediction | Sermon by Hamza Yusuf:

Helping the refugees in Istanbul

 Rafa Makovsky and I are on our way to
kebab sandwiches. 

During Oct. 2015, I had the opportunity to visit Istanbul for 10 days for a trip that was full of unique experiences and interesting political talks with Syrians refugees from all wings.

They were different in their political views, either pro or against Assad, and even people who turned out to be pro-government only after the civil war started because they were uncertain about the future in case the rebels get the power. Even with these differences, all of them share the same humanitarian crisis. I used a few days of my trip for volunteering in Istanbul's slums by helping Kurdish, Afghani and of course Syrian people.

I met this old man from Homs, Syria, in Fatih park. After about 2 hours of a very interesting conversation, the man thought I was a poor refugee from Palestine and insisted on sharing the food he had in his bag with me. When he opened the bag, I saw there were many dry crusts of bread that restaurants usually throw away. A moment of shock that makes me speechless! The man who was very grateful and kept saying that he was doing well in Istanbul and missing nothing turned out to be the opposite of what I had thought. He told me that he collected these crusts for his poor neighbors and not for himself. Maybe that was true but I guess he said that to keep his dignity. I tried to give him money, and only after I insisted and told him it was not for him but for his poor neighbors did he accept 100 Lira. His behavior reminded me of the verse in the Quran that describes the people who, out of dignity, don't ask people for help even if they are in need. [2:273]. It is [The charity] for the poor; those who are restrained in the way of God, and unable to travel in the land. The unaware would think them rich, due to their dignity. You will recognize them by their features. They do not ask from people insistently. Whatever charity you give, God is aware of it. [274]. Those who spend their wealth by night and day, privately and publicly, will receive their reward from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve.

All the people you see in the pictures (Syrian and Iraqi refugees) will later, all of them, enter this single white van parked on the side street that will take them to the southwestern shores of Turkey in their high-risk path to Europe...

Videos were recorded by Rafa Makovsky  in the Sulaymaniyah  area.

We were 4 volunteers from different countries: me, Anastasia Victoria (the originator -  from the UK), Rafa Makovsky (from Poland) and Reyna Paz (from Mexico). The videos are mainly recorded in a poor Kurdish neighborhood near Sulaymaniyah  

Monday, March 21, 2016

The day Israel attacked America

The attack on the USS Liberty was not the first attack on American or West targets by Israel. Other attacks and tries have preceded it such as Lavon Affair-Operation Susannah. and other attacks against the British mandate. But what shocks me about this attack is what followed. Discussed in the movie at minute 28:00, which provides additional proof that the Israel-US relationship is based more on blackmail than the mutual interests of allies.

Filmmaker's view

By Richard Belfield

Click here to
review the book
I was first told about the attack on the USS Liberty in 1980 over dinner with a former analyst from the National Security Agency (NSA) in Washington DC.

Back in 1980, I promised my friend that if I ever got the chance I would make a film about it. Over the years, I pitched the idea to numerous broadcasters and always got the same response: eyes rolled upwards, usually followed by the statement, "Are you completely mad?"

Fast forward to 2009 and I was a guest speaker at the NSA's biennial conference on historical cryptography, talking about an unsolved code on an 18th century monument in an English stately home.

While there, I went to two other sessions - both about attacks on American signal intelligence naval vessels.
The first was the capture of the US spy ship, the Pueblo (boarded by North Korean forces in 1968 - and never returned). The survivors of that incident were treated like heroes and feted on stage.

The next day there was a session about the USS Liberty. James Scott, who has written easily the best book on the Liberty attack, was on stage and limited to his allotted 20 minutes. Ranged against him were three Israeli apologists, all of whom were allowed to overrun their time. Survivors from the Liberty affair were allowed to sit in the audience, but they were denied any say in proceedings.
As an Englishman, I was brought up with a strong sense of fair play and I thought this was a disgrace. It was gruesome to watch. First, the crew had been attacked in broad daylight by a close ally, then they were betrayed by their government and now they were being humiliated by the same agency many had worked for back in 1967.

Earlier this year, I acquired a copy of the audiotape of the attack as it had unfolded, the real time conversations between Israeli Air Force pilots and their controllers back at base. It had never been broadcast before. I went to talk to Al Jazeera and after careful consideration, the network commissioned the film.

On location, it all started with James Scott (who gets a co-producer credit on this project). When writing his book, he had already interviewed the survivors as well as many of the key people in the Washington political and intelligence machine from that time. The introductions he made would prove invaluable as we began filming interviews.

We filmed on a sister ship to the Liberty, now moored in San Francisco. The crew hauled an outsized US flag up a mast for us. The flag - known as the "holiday colours" - was identical to that which was flown from the Liberty on June 8, 1967. It was huge, clearly visible for miles, and I knew immediately that no one could ever have been in any doubt about the nationality of the ship beneath it.

Recommended Reading:

Monday, March 14, 2016

Revisiting Kfar-Kassem Massacre Documentary

Twenty minutes away from Tel Aviv, 49 children, women and men were shot down and killed by the Israeli army. This took place 60 years ago in the village of Kafr Kassem, which lies in Israel on the 1967 border.

This is an attempt to capture the effects of the massacre and the passage of time on the local heritage.

Many historians refer to this massacre as another attempt to terrorize the local Arabs to provoke them to flee for their safety. Therefore, they consider that this massacre continues the tens of massacres that occurred before like the Deir Yassin massacre and others that aimed to ethnically cleanse Palestine of its original inhabitants.

We started the project on Feb. 2016. The film will be released in October 2016. Exactly 60 years after the massacre, the film will be a modest commemoration of the people who were left unattended in broad daylight to agonies and die on that day of October 29, 1956.

During the film, I interviewed Ismail Badir, who was injured during the Kfar Kassem massacre when he was shot by Israeli soldiers when he got back from his work selling vegetables in Petah-Tikva. The Israeli government still refuses to recognize his injury as a war wound, and instead classifies his wound as a working accident

The short version (13 min summary)